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Harvestlab 3000

The HarvestLab 3000 sensor enables an accurate measurement and documentation of dry matter, starch, protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber in different crop types. For better fertilization planning in the next season, operators can use the HarvestLab 3000 sensor to determine and document the nutrient values taken off the field during harvest. It also helps achieve higher quality forage by enabling automatic length-of-cut adjustments on the go to ensure an optimal bunker compaction and conservation. In addition, the smart use of additives ultimately leads to higher milk yields and more efficient use of feed.

  • Measure yield while harvesting
  • Accurately determine moisture, dry matter, protein, starch, fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and sugar on-the-go
  • Better determine the value of the forage when purchasing for biogas operations
  • Dose inoculants based on current dry-matter lever
  • Automatically adjust length of cut on the go

Forage Constituent Sensing

John Deere Forage Constituent Sensing aids in the automatic adjustment of the silage inoculate rates according to the moisture and nutrient levels from the HarvestLab 3000 sensor when mounted on 8000 and 9000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvester (SPFH) models. This will ensure higher quality silage with less spoilage.

Manure Constituent Sensing

HarvestLab 3000 continuously measures nutrients during the application at more than 4000 times per second. This allows for tracking of nutrient variations between different storage locations as well as differences within individual tank loads. This data is then used to control application amounts as well as the creation of as applied documentation for each nutrient across the field. With John Deere Manure Constituent Sensing, ingredients can be applied based on a target rate for one nutrient and a limit rate for a second ingredient (i.e., target rate for N, limit rate for P).

HarvestLab 3000 utilizing near-infrared sensor (NIR) technology paired with John Deere Manure Constituent Sensing will record manure nutrient levels for total nitrogen (N), ammonium-N (NH4), phosphate (P), potassium (K) and dry matter. Tests have shown that liquid manure can be highly variable for nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K) between different loads with a variance factor of 4-6 for nitrogen, a factor of 10 for dry matter and a factor of 25 for phosphate.

John Deere Manure Constituent Sensing enables significant improvements in accuracy of information and application of liquid manure nutrients as compared to taking a limited number of samples per storage location or transport vehicle. The John Deere HarvestLab 3000 sensor and the respective calibration curve have been developed to deliver a higher degree of accuracy as compared to limited random samples sent to commercial labs. The NIR sensor with manure calibrations has been benchmarked against both commonly used analysis methods in laboratories (wet chemical) and NIRS lab analysis. The results indicate that the relative error for HarvestLab 3000 Manure Constituent Sensing is in the range for samples analyzed using wet chemical laboratory tests. 
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