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Creating and managing guidance lines in standing crops can be difficult and time consuming. John Deere exclusive AutoPath tackles these challenges by creating guidance lines using the actual location of each crop row.

AutoPath requires data that is documented during the source operation, which is the planting or tillage and application pass. Using this information, AutoPath can generate future guidance lines. During the source operation, the crop row locations are documented and saved in the John Deere Operations Center application.

The source operation can be:
  • A planting pass used for later tillage, application, and harvest passes
  • A pre-planting application or row-based tillage pass used for a subsequent planting pass – for example, using AutoPath for planting after strip tillage
    • Pre-plant application or tillage passes cannot be used as a source operation for later tillage, application, or harvest passes. 
During the source operation, an implement-mounted receiver records the exact location of each crop row, as applied.
  • This data builds a map of every crop row.
  • AutoPath uses the map to create accurate guidance lines for subsequent field operations.
  • Source operation equipment requirements and compatibility information is available here.
After the source operation is completed, AutoPath automatically creates these guidance lines for the entire field for later passes. These guidance lines cover:
  • External boundaries
  • Internal boundaries
  • Headlands
  • Crop rows
With AutoPath, you get to work quickly and confidently using accurate guidance lines based on the crop row location.
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