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Operations Center Pro

John Deere Operations Center PRO Dispatch is the first of more professional grade tools to come in Operations Center PRO. Designed with the ag retailer in mind, PRO Dispatch provides an end-to-end equipment dispatching and logistics system.

PRO Dispatch:
  • Saves operators time and minimizes recording errors with the ability to send work order information directly to the machine, regardless of the equipment brand
  • Allows data to flow seamlessly between the retailer’s back-office and dispatching and logistics systems to the farmer’s Operations Center organization
  • Access and manage farm data from multiple store locations in one system.
Ag retailers with multiple locations can manage farm data and assets at the corporate level or at the individual store level within John Deere Operations Center. This provides a scaled system setup for managing large fleets used with PRO Dispatch.  Additionally, schedulers, operators, or tenders may be granted the appropriate access to data needed for their role within the organization. This structure helps to keep the organization running smoothly during the busy season.
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