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Cotton Module Handler

  • Bellows protect the shafts
  • Mast conversion kit

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CM11 Series Cotton Module Handler bellowsCM11 Series Cotton Module Handler bellows

The Frontier™ CM11 Series Cotton Module Handler has two sets of bellows to protect the shafts. As they extend out on the handler, they cradle the cotton module.

CM11 Series Cotton Module optional mastCM11 Series Cotton Module optional mast

The mast is optional on the CM11 Series Cotton Modules for loading modules onto trucks. It is also recommended when transporting modules down harvested rows.


Overall height cm11
Current Model
Base unit128 cm
50.38 in.
Base unit with mast238.8 cm
94 in.
Overall width
Base unit (arms closed)183.8 cm
72.38 in.
Base unit (arms open)315.9 cm
124.38 in.
Base unit with mast (arms closed)199.1 cm
78.4 in.
Base unit with mast (open)315.9 cm
124.38 in.
Overall length
Base unit274.8 cm
108.18 in.
Base unit with mast316.2 cm
124.48 in.
Base unit977 kg
2154 lb
Base with mast1,750.9 kg
3,860 lb
Lift height
Base unit61 cm
24 in.
Base unit with mast182.9 cm
72 in.
Arm opening clearance
Base unit (closed)207.5 cm
81.68 in.
Base unit with mast (closed)75.4 cm
29.68 in.
Base unit (open)207.5 cm
81.68 in.
Base unit with mast (open)75.4 cm
29.68 in.
Tire requirements
170 Load index (LI) and above
150 Load index (LI) and above
150 Load index (LI) and above
125 Load index (LI) and above
Category (quick-coupler required)Category 3 or 4N
Cat 3, quick-coupler compatibleYes
Cat 4N, quick-coupler compatibleYes
Set-up time
Base unit, labor hours0.25
Base unit with mast, labor hours0.5
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