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One sensor, three applications

The HarvestLab 3000 sensor enables an accurate measurement and documentation of dry matter, starch, protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber in different crop types. For better fertilization planning in the next season, operators can use the HarvestLab 3000 sensor to determine and document the nutrient values taken off the field during harvest. It also helps achieve higher quality forage by enabling automatic length-of-cut adjustments on the go to ensure an optimal bunker compaction and conservation. In addition, the smart use of additives ultimately leads to higher milk yields and more efficient use of feed.

Intro to the Harvest Lab 3000

Forage Harvesting

  • Measure yield while harvesting
  • Accurately determine moisture, dry matter, protein, starch, fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and sugar on-the-go
  • Automatically adjust length of cut on the go
  • Dose inoculants based on current dry-matter level
  • Better determine the value of forage when purchasing for biogas operations
Harvest Lab 3000 on harvester

Stationary Applications

The HarvestLab 3000 sensor and stationary kit can provide time and cost savings with use in the barn, field office, or anywhere feed analysis is needed. For example, the components of a total mix ratio (TMR) can be measured every day to ensure the correct mix ration and achieve the maximum milk yield.

  • Monitor silage quality year-round
  • Support daily feed ration calculation
  • Determine moisture, dry matter, protein, starch, fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and sugar within 2 minutes

Manure Sensing

The HarvestLab 3000 sensor allows precise application of liquid organic fertilizer based on target and limit rate. This eliminates over fertilization (causing laid crops) and under fertilization (causing low yields). The system allows calculation of precise prescription maps to fill nutrient levels to the desired target, meaning the producer pays for quality not for quantity. Additionally, it helps to properly determine and document the applied nutrient levels to comply with legal regulations and cross compliance.

  • John Deere Manure Sensing enables real-time constituent measurements in liquid organic fertilizers (hog, cattle, biogas)
  • Automated and site-specific nutrient application and documentation
  • Dry matter, nitrogen, ammonium, phosphorus, and potassium
John Deere tractor pulling tank


Not only can the havest lab do all this individually, you also have the ability to move the sensor between equipment. Making all of the above applications possible with one sensor

Automated Documentation

Data recorded with the HarvestLab 3000 sensor on the forage harvester or a manure tanker can be sent wirelessly to the John Deere Operations Center web and mobile. Data is available to view in Field Analyzer after a field has been completed and new work has started, or approximately one-half hour after field work has been stopped. Producers can analyze data from completed fields or view where field work is in process, making it easier for them to make operational decisions. Data is available for analysis from any internet-connected device to make important production decisions and gives operations the ability to invoice work recently completed.

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