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Crossover Utility Gator Service Subscription

Premium Service Subscription includes

Professional Transportation To And From The Dealership &

Change Oil and Filter, Change Fuel Filter, Change Primary Air Filter, Replace Spark Plugs(gas), Test Glow Plugs(Diesel), Check Tire Pressures
Check all fluid levels, check wheel bolt torque, check battery and cables, grease machince, check belt condition, test drive
Power Wash, check parking brake, check wear pads on clutch, clean primary clutch, add fuel stabilizer, check brake operation

38.99 Per Month. Click Here to subscribe

Service Performed November-February
Services for subscriptions started after February 29 will begin in November

Supported Models

HPX Series   XUV 500 Series   XUV 600 Series
XUV 800 Series   XUV 800 E/M/R Series

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